Between a Love and a Hard Place

An exhibition of video art presented by Vinegar at the Media Window in downtown Birmingham, Alabama.

101 23rd St. N

Featuring Roger Beebe, Kellie Bornhoft, Barry Jones, and Julie Lee

September 28 – November 28, 2024
Opening reception Saturday, September 28, 6–8pm (on the sidewalk)

Presented with support from the Alabama State Council on the Arts, to whom we are deeply grateful.


Barry Jones, Lesson 4 (the Gospels)

Roger Beebe, (rock/hard place)

Julie Lee, to look back is to go forward

Kellie Bornhoft, Boundless Sediments

Click the images above to read more about the artists and their work.


This is Vinegar’s first exhibition in a new collaborative venue, the Media Window.

Pardon their progress: they’re installing a new TV soon, plus a shade to protect it from the punishing afternoon sun.

101 23rd St. N Birmingham

Installed in a private residence, this publicly accessible window merges personal and civic life.

In February 2024 Vinegar moved out of our white cube and into the public sphere. We now curate site-responsive and publicly accessible exhibitions, considering the City of Birmingham as an art gallery framed by social architecture.

Artist and Vinegar curator Melissa Yes has been seeking new homes for art and has found one: a downtown residence with an open heart and a big window, now christened as the Media Window.

The window pane divides and connects the living room to the sidewalk. Both the home and the city are grounds for love and belonging. Art lives between and illuminates them both.

The Media Window is privately operated from its interior. It will host a range of projects that reach outside, and will prioritize Vinegar as its primary activator. The missions and the loves align.